Manga: sixty years of Japanese comics

Manga: sixty years of Japanese comics

Manga: sixty years of Japanese comics ’ - Paul Gravett

ISBN : 9781856693912
Penerbit : Collins Design
No. Panggilan : PN6790.J3 G73 2004
This book explains to us the definition of manga and tells us the overview of manga history for people who know nothing about it. It did a great job on showing us the influence of American and European culture aside from the Japanese itself and how those have evolved the tastes of different genres and mangaka (word use to describe the person who wrote manga). As a conclusion, this book helps us in learning what manga is and how it affecting book and writing industry in this modern society.
Ulasan Buku Oleh :
En. Mohd Yusri Bin Osman, Pembantu Pustakawan

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